The school is not responsible for providing transport facilities. There are however private contractor(s) plying buses which are run on pre-designated routes as fixed by the private contractor(s).
* Students can avail the school contracted transport subject to the availability of seats. Under no circumstances will the bus routes be altered to suit an individual convenience.
*Buses belong to the private contractors. Bus transport fee has to be paid to them for only 11 months (No fee to be paid for the month of June). One month advance notice has to be given for the discontinuation of bus service. Bus fee is to be paid monthly till the month of November. Bimonthly fee has to be paid for the months of December & January and February & March by 10th December and 10th February respectively, failing which the bus service will not be provided in the next academic session.
* Students using the bus facility are required to follow the instructions of their bus incharge. They will:
- maintain discipline in the bus.
-board/unboard the school bus only at his/her regular stop.
- not be permitted to travel by any other bus except the one allotted to them.
- pay the bus fee before the 10th of the due month, otherwise a fine of Rs. 10 per day will be charged.
*Parents of the students are not allowed to travel on the bus under any circumstances.
*Attendance of all bus users shall be taken every day in the morning and in the afternoon.
*Students are not allowed to come in self-driven motor vehicles in the absence of a valid licence.
*For any assistance / information related to school transport system, kindly contact the School Transport Manager/ Bus contractor. The school simply facilitates the services.
*As per the notice from STA, Unauthorized Private Vans and Auto-ricksaws will not be allowed. It is mandatory for the parents to either drop and pick up the child personally or use the school contracted bus.