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  • AKSIPS-65 Smart School Mohali

    Affiliated to C.B.S.E, New Delhi (AFFILIATION NO. 1630430)

  • Phone No. - +91 172 2212000
    +91 172 2234733

    Email - [email protected]

Singing stars of AKSIPS-65 bring laurels
  • Singing stars of AKSIPS-65 bring laurels

    Students of AKSIPS-65 excelled in the Elysian- Inter School Sur Tarang competition held at The Knowledge Bus Global School, bringing home top positions. Aradhya Gautam of grade 4 won the first place in the Swar Vandana solo singing competition, while students of grades 1 and 2 won the first place in the Baal Sur Tarang category. The proud winners were Bhaveer, Deeksha, Agampreet, Hasrat, Harseerat & Shaurya. The Associate Director Parnika Singh and the Principal Rajminder Kaur Jaitla congratulated and appreciated the students` dedicated efforts.

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