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  • AKSIPS-65 Smart School Mohali

    Affiliated to C.B.S.E, New Delhi (AFFILIATION NO. 1630430)

  • Phone No. - +91 172 2212000
    +91 172 2234733

    Email - [email protected]


  • Parents are requested to please:


    • Check their child`s/children`s diary everyday and ensure that they bring the books to school according to the  class time table.


    • Meet the Principal on any working day between 11:00 a.m. to 12:00 noon or with a prior appointment.


    • Maintain contact with the school through correspondence and Parents Teacher Meetings. Parents are not allowed to visit the classroom or contact the teachers except on the prescribed hours and days.


    • Not to give their child large sum of cash or valuables. 


    • Not to allow their child to bring a scooter/motorcycle/car.


    • Mark the name, class and section of their child on all belongings.


    • Ensure that the children bring their fruit and lunch tiffins in the morning. In the interest of security, tiffins /  lunch packets brought later will not be accepted.


    • Notify the school immediately about any change in personal address or telephone number. 


    • Not to send requests through servants or relatives to allow children to go home before the school gets over.



    •  Send leave application if their child is absent. one can apply online also.


    • Not to offer any kind of gifts on any festive occasion to the Principal, teachers and other staff.


    • Avoid taking half - day leave for their child.


    • Send a written application a day in advance or make a phone call at least an hour before the school ends if somebody other than parents is coming to pick up the child. 


    • Not to give mobile phone to their child. 


    •  Attend PTMs regularly.


    • To send specific medication specifically inhaler/puff to the school in case the uses it.


    • Download the School App (65aksips) .


Online Admission