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  • AKSIPS-65 Smart School Mohali

    Affiliated to C.B.S.E, New Delhi (AFFILIATION NO. 1630430)

  • Phone No. - +91 172 2212000
    +91 172 2234733

    Email - [email protected]



    • Every absence (Sick leave / otherwise) must be entered briefly in the regularity record pages at the end of this diary and signed by the parent /guardian.
    • Application for leave on medical grounds for more than two days should be supported by a medical certificate, especially during the examination period.
    • Irregularity and truancy on the part of the pupil will be severely dealt with by the Principal.
    • No pupil shall be eligible for promotion unless he/she puts in an attendance of 85% of the total number of working days of the school in the whole year.
    "This rule holds good in respect of all classes. Parents are particularly requested to take note of this rule.
    Any student who willfully or otherwise absents himself from school and/or online classes without intimation or leave application duly sanctioned by the Principal for more than two weeks, will be considered as not interested to continue in the school and his/her name will be struck off from the rolls without further notice. Readmission will be done in case of availability of seat  and after paying admission charges, as applicable and all due fees and fines.


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